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The impact of design on business productivity

“It’s obvious really, employees in an ergonomically designed and inspiring workspace are inevitably more productive than those that have to adapt their working processes to suit the limitation of their working environment…”

Increasingly the link between the aesthetics and ergonomics of the working environment and employee productivity, motivation and loyalty is being recognised. As a result, the dynamics of the modern workplace are changing.

Happy employees are productive employees

Effective interior design can influence efficiency levels in a number of significant ways, boosting employee satisfaction, helping them to enjoy their time at work and feel like valued members of a team.

There is no need to emulate Google’s famous California headquarters just yet, with its bike paths, gourmet cafeterias and a yoga room. Addressing the simple things first, such as best use of natural light, convenient and well-designed facilities and encouraging movement will all help to provide a more stimulating, innovative and healthy office environment.

While redesigning an office space might seem like a mountainous task, our interior design and project teams have the experience and expertise to make the while process smooth and pain free.

To find out more about our interior design, supply and installation services call us now on 01733 295777 or email us.

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01733 295777



Have a project you wish to discuss - call us now on 01733 295777 for an informal discussion.